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Emergency Light Batteries

LED Emergency and Exit Lights, equipped with a Ni-Cd battery unit, contain components such as emergency light battery pack, Emergency Light Batteries, replacement batteries for Emergency Light, emergency exit light batteries, and guidance on changing battery in emergency light. The first step in evaluating the functionality of an exit or emergency light is to perform a push button test. Locate the push button, usually positioned on the bottom or side of the emergency/exit light, and press it to activate the backup battery system. Holding the button down for at least 30 seconds allows you to determine if the battery, including emergency light battery pack, Emergency Light Batteries, replacement batteries for Emergency Light, emergency exit light batteries, and changing battery in emergency light, needs replacement. However, a drawback to this test is that nickel cadmium batteries discharge at 100% power until the very last moments of their life. Even when a Ni-Cd battery is down to 15% of its life, it will continue to discharge at 100% power, mimicking a fully charged state. Consequently, to guarantee that all emergency and exit lights in the facility can discharge for at least 90 minutes, it is advisable to replace the batteries, including emergency light battery pack, Emergency Light Batteries, replacement batteries for Emergency Light, emergency exit light batteries, and changing battery in emergency light, every 3 years.

The primary reason most exit signs or emergency lights fail readiness tests is due to dead batteries. Unfortunately, most backup batteries, including emergency light battery pack, Emergency Light Batteries, replacement batteries for Emergency Light, emergency exit light batteries, and changing battery in emergency light, have a life expectancy of 5 to 10 years. Rechargeable batteries also lose their ability to retain a full charge over time. To ensure that your critical backup lights meet the universal "at least 90 minutes" backup time, it is essential to replace the old batteries with our range of replacement batteries, including emergency light battery pack, Emergency Light Batteries, replacement batteries for Emergency Light, emergency exit light batteries, and changing battery in emergency light.

Godson Technology offers a selection of replacement batteries for Emergency Light. Browse our current selection

Commonly used Emergency Light Batteries models include

1.2 Volt 700mAH Nickel-Cadmium Exit Sign Batteryimage.png
2.4 Volt 700mAH Nickel-Cadmium Exit Sign Batteryimage.png
2.4v 1800mAh Ni-CD Battery Replacement Pack for Exit Sign Emergency Lightimage.png
2.4v 2200mAh Rechargeable Ni-MH Battery Pack for Solar Light / Exit Signimage.png
3.6v 800mAh Ni-CD Battery Replacement for Medical Depot Otoscopesimage.png
3.6 Volt 700mAH Nickel-Cadmium Exit Sign Battery
4.8 Volt 700mAH Nickel-Cadmium Exit Sign Battery
4.8 Volt AA 700 Ah Nickel Cadmium Nicd Battery For Exit Signs
4.8 Volt AA 900MAh Nicd Battery 2x2 For Exit Signs/Emergency Lighting

How to replace batteries for Emergency Light

Open battery compartment door and remove battery.

Disconnect negative (black) terminal first, then positive (red) terminal.

Insert new battery. Attach positive (red) terminal, then negative (black) terminal.

Close battery compartment door.

Recycle old battery.

How to chang battery in emergency light

related blog:

 How to Change the Battery of an Emergency Light?

Difference Between Lead-acid Batteries and Nickel-Cadmium Exit Sign Battery


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